SADC Gender and Financial Inclusion Factsheet
UN Women has published an analysis of the current status of financial inclusion in SADC countries, with inputs from the SADC Secretariat and FinMark Trust. Read the factsheet.
We have launched a COVID-19 Tracker, The survey themes include health and risk behaviours, food security, income, work and job security, personal safety concerns, and access to government and community support.
UN Women has published an analysis of the current status of financial inclusion in SADC countries, with inputs from the SADC Secretariat and FinMark Trust. Read the factsheet.
The UN Women report titled “Her Finance, Her Future – Building Stronger Economies One Woman at a Time” explores the status of financial inclusion in SADC, focusing on women's access to and use of financial services.
FinMark Trust is proud to have contributed to this comprehensive report. Download the Financial Inclusion and Gender in SADC Sub-region Status Report for the statistical findings.
Este guia resume as conclusões do estudo de diagnóstico para apoiar o desenvolvimento de programas específicos de género para a inclusão financeira das mulheres nestes corredores.
Cross-border remittances fuel livelihoods in the SADC region. This guide summarises key findings from the diagnostic study to support the development of gender-specific programmes for women’s financial inclusion in these corridors.
This report delves into the experiences of women in the South Africa to Mozambique corridor. It addresses crucial data gaps, aiding in targeted support for digital payments in Southern Africa.
Este relatório explora as experiências das mulheres no corredor da África do Sul para Moçambique. Ele aborda lacunas críticas de dados, auxiliando no suporte direcionado para pagamentos digitais no Sul da África.
Formal financial and economic inclusion remains pivotal in addressing the rampant inequality in many African economies today.
Families' access to financial resources is crucial for building thriving communities and fostering economic growth. Remittances, as a vital source of income, provide millions of people with the means to meet their basic needs.
FinScope consumer surveys offer insights into people's financial needs, preferences, and behaviour. It does not attempt to replicate the work of censuses or other annual surveys.
This pocket guide highlights key findings from the market assessment of remittance flows into and out of South Africa using SARB data and a mystery shopping exercise looking at the costs of remitting via various channels, from South Africa.
FinMark Trust conducted a market assessment of remittance flows into and out of South Africa using SARB data and a mystery shopping exercise looking at the costs of remitting via various channels, from South Africa to other countries in the SADC.
Migrants have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 economic fallout. In addition to lockdowns and job losses, they struggle to access adequate support, especially for their families back home that depend on them.
Informal cross border trade is important to the food security, supply of basic medical goods, as well as the livelihoods of millions. Find out more about the key corridors between SA and 5 key countries.
Although women’s achievements, resilience and innovations exhibited during the Covid-19 pandemic are worth acknowledging, women continue to face various barriers.
The FinScope Mozambique 2019 survey is the third FinScope survey implemented in Mozambique, following the baseline of 2009 and repeat of 2014.
FinScope 2019 marca o terceiro ciclo em que este inquérito nacionalmente representativo sobre a inclusão financeira é efectuado em Moçambique
This dashboard represents some of the key market data on financial inclusion with a focus on females.
Este painel representa alguns dos principais dados de mercado sobre inclusão financeira com foco nas mulheres.
SADC Innovation Challenge objectives, competition timelines, the thematic challenges, the participant overview, and the in-country and regional winners.
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View highlights from the Mozambique FinScope Consumer Survey 2019 comparing levels of financial inclusion between 2019 and 2014.
View highlights from the Mozambique FinScope Consumer Survey 2019 comparing levels of financial inclusion between 2019 and 2014.
Mozambique implemented the 3rd Mozambique FinScope Survey to help monitor and evaluate sector interventions driven by the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS).
Read this 2019 full report for more information about the state of financial inclusion in Mozambique.
O Dinheiro Móvel tem evoluído para um bem utilitário que faculta marioritariamente serviços financeiros à população não-bancária.
Mobile Money has evolved as a utility to provide financial services largely to the unbanked population.
This report focuses on how FinMark Trust support in innovation that drives impact and enables marginalised communities to work towards sustainable livelihoods through financial inclusion.
Exploring how financial service providers collect, store and use data in six countries.
This report provides an update on the available money transfer offerings that facilitate remittance flows from South Africa to other countries in SADC.
The research first required an understanding of the global landscape regarding agricultural subsidies, including some analysis of the changes over time,
Worldwide, countries have been increasing their efforts to expand the financial services sector, particularly to low income consumers.
Presentation on understanding the current state of regional financial integration (RFI) within the SADC region.
The first step in a long journey towards a harmonised legal and regulatory framework for payments in the SADC.
The SADC Secretariat and FinMark Trust identified the need to understand the current state of regional financial integration (RFI) within the SADC region.
Financial Inclusion in SADC through the FinScope Lenses” provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of financial inclusion in the twelve SADC states.
A wide divergence exists in the level of credit information sharing across different SADC
The last phase of the project was to discuss the findings of the country reports and the innovations/best practices report with country stakeholders
Below are some of the highlights from the 2014 survey, conducted between April and July 2014
FinScope Mozambique 2014 is the second national financial inclusion survey, following that of 2009,
The FinScope Survey Mozambique 2014 study is an initiative by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and co-funded by the Department for International Development (DFID)
Focus note 1 - Financial Inclusion and AML/CFT
Focus Note 2: Risk-based approaches to AML/CFT
Focus Note 3: AML / CFT due diligence and related matters
Focus Note 4: Mobile services / technology
Focus Note 5: Harmonisation of regulatory frameworks in the SADC region
Consolidated report Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism in Certain SADC Countries
Presentation delivered by Peter Gross at the Insurers Assocation Zambia Seminar on 28 May 2013.
The study is the second phase of a three-year programme to increase access to and the uptake of rural and agricultural financial services in southern Africa
The report is part of a series commissioned by FinMark Trust to examine the retail payments landscape in Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
The housing finance in Africa year book is intended to provide readers insight into the practice and developments in housing finance in Africa
The research points to many challenges ahead of efforts to provide and encourage use of convenient and affordable formal payment services
This study is to examine the current state of rural and agricultural financial services in Mozambique
A report reflecting the state of progress of implementation of the Protocol on Finance and Investment in SADC.
This report summarises the findings of the first phase of the work, namely, an assessment of the current state of rural and agricultural financial services in the region
This study examined the retirement systems of Mozambique with a view to drawing lessons from their experiences in addressing old age provision
FinScope Mozambique 2009 is the first national survey of its kind, in which a representational cross-section of all adult Mozambicans have been interviewed comprehensively